Fun Facts about Sapphire
Fun Facts about Sapphire
Join Gem Expert and Rockhound Renata as she reveals some interesting facts about – and uses for - sapphire, a gemstone that is second only to diamond in terms of hardness while ranking nine on the Mohs hardness scale. Sapphire is the birthstone for September, and sapphire is often thought of as a rich blue gemstone; it comes in every color of the rainbow except for red. Did you know that red sapphire is ruby?
One of the most famous and valuable forms of sapphire is padparadscha which comes in a beautiful orange hue. There are also color-changing sapphires that change color when the lighting is changed from natural to incandescent. Due to sapphire being such a rich and sought-after gemstone, lab-created sapphires have started to hit the market at a more affordable price. The most expensive known sapphire is called "The Star of Adam" and is valued at over 300 million dollars and has over 1,400 carats!
White sapphire is sometimes known as an alternative to diamond. Sapphires can be found and mined all over the globe; depending on the region being mined, generally, you will find the same color and style. Watch this video to learn all of sapphires' fun facts!