Join Gem Expert and Rockhound Renata as she debunks a common belief that all gemstone inclusions are undesirable. Inclusions are defined as materials that are trapped inside a mineral or gemstone. The four C's include color, cut, clarity, and carat. We use clarity to determine if the gemstone is included with materials trapped inside. Diamonds lose their value with more inclusions, although this isn't true of all gemstones. In fact, several gemstones are more collectible and valued if they are included. Amber is a fossilized plant resin formed millions of years ago, the most valuable consist of organic matter such as plants and bugs. Rutilated quartz's name is derived from included rutile needles, while demantoid garnet consists of horsetail inclusions. Stunning star sapphires get their effect from inclusions! Watch Renata reveal these gemstones as she examines their inclusions.