Tourmaline Gemstone Spotlight
Tourmaline Gemstone Spotlight
Jay Boyle and Shelly Sergent share this month's featured gemstone, tourmaline, a multicolored gemstone that was found among rubies and sapphires in present-day Sri Lanka. Tourmaline comes in an amazing array of colors including bi-colors and tri-colors, and the color of tourmaline can depend on where this gem comes from and how it's found. This diversity of locations and methods allows tourmaline to have a beautiful variety of forms and appearances. Because of this, tourmaline can have fabulous crystal structures that can be cut into gem rounds, cushions, rectangles or emerald cuts, so it's no wonder it's regarded by designers and collectors right now. This is why tourmaline is great to collect; it’s a great gemstone with good hardness, beautiful colors, rarity and hails from exotic regions in Brazil and Africa.