The Rarest Form of Moldavite? Unboxing Angel Chimes + More!
The Rarest Form of Moldavite? Unboxing Angel Chimes + More!
In today's episode, we unbox a huge collection of moldavite. We'll dive into the science behind this mysterious gem and learn what it’s all about. Moldavite is a more recent discovery in the gemstone world and is booming. People love moldavite which is a type of tektite, a green, natural glass formed from a meteorite striking the earth.
Moldavite had formed 15 million years ago from a meteor impact greater than all the atom bombs that formed a large crater in present-day Germany. The heat was so hot it melted the earth in front of it and it was flung up into the atmosphere, hardened and came raining back down onto the earth. Since then, this material was naturally buried underground as moldavite. To be called moldavite, it has to be from the regions around the meteorite’s crash site including the Czech Republic, Austria, and Germany. Different types of moldavites formed in these separate meteor sites called strewn fields. Two major strewn fields are in the Czech Republic, one in bohemia where the majority of moldavite comes from. The other major strewn field is in the Czech region of Moravia, where a very small percent of moldavite is found but holds bigger stones with a slightly brownish color.
It’s important to note that within every individual strewn moldavite can have different characteristics depending on the trajectory of how a piece landed and what type of erosion caused them to have different characteristics. One unique piece of moldavite shown is besednice. This is a hedgehog type of moldavite where you see can see little lines and grooves and crevices. it's a really interesting piece with a lot of different types of natural glass and different types of tektites too. Other pieces are shown that resemble broccoli, angel wings, a Christmas tree while some make a beautiful chime from being dropped.
Despite what type of moldavite you’d want, they’re very difficult to acquire and collect because of their beautiful properties.