Tsavorite is an attractive green variety of grossular garnet. It was discovered in northeastern Tanzania in 1967 by Campbell Bridges, a British geologist. A second find four years later in Kenya led to the opening of the first commercially viable mine in 1974. Tsavorite gets its name for the near by Tsavo River and the Tsavo National Game Reserve. The color of the stone can be a rich pure green, a yellowish green or bluish green. The color is due to the presence of trace amounts of vanadium and chromium.
General Information
LWUV: Inert to weak orange or yellow orange
Tsavorite Colors
Countries of Origin
Tanzania, United Republic Of; Afghanistan; Russian Federation; Mozambique; Unknown; Brazil; Madagascar; Kenya; Thailand; India
Tsavorite is one of the least-known and most under-valued of all gemstones. Its color rests at the pinnacle of the greens. What makes tsavorite so desirable? Combine that lush green color with exceptional clarity, stir in a hardness that makes it ultra-wearable and then add the indefinable... that certain something that seems to burn within the stone. It's a golden-green light, an icy-green fire that draws you. January babies, what a birthstone! Tsavorite will make your friends green with envy. As we said, be ready to be mesmerized...
Clean your tsavorite in warm, sudsy water, rinse and dry thoroughly. Avoid harsh chemicals as well as ultrasonic and steam cleaners.