Scheelite, named for Swedish chemist C.W. Scheele is a calcium tungstate, a major source of tungsten. Most scheelite is fluorescent and ranges from blue to white in color. Spectacular, transparent crystals come from Austria, Italy, Brazil, Rwanda, and Colorado. Scheelite crystals often have high luster and fire that is almost adamantine.
General Information
LWUV: Inert
Scheelite Colors
Scheelite Spectra
We acknowledge the significant scientific contributions of John S Harris, FGA to the study of gemstone spectra and with deep appreciation to him, acknowledges the use of his images and related notes about gemstones and their spectra in the educational materials on this website.
Countries of Origin
Myanmar; Cambodia; Sudan; Malaysia; Kazakhstan; Portugal; Bosnia And Herzegovina; Armenia; Greece; Austria; Mongolia; Mozambique; Korea (the Republic of); Morocco; Unknown; Mali; Brazil; Guatemala; Guyana; Algeria; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Argentina; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Hungary; Republic of Kosovo; Japan; Ukraine; Congo; Bolivia (Plurinational State of); India; New Zealand; Canada; Turkey; Belgium; Namibia; Finland; Italy; South Africa; Antarctica; Georgia; Peru; Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of); Germany; Tanzania, United Republic Of; Afghanistan; Russian Federation; Viet Nam; Czechia; United States of America; Egypt; Madagascar; Thailand; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Saudi Arabia; Sweden; Pakistan; Malawi; China; Ireland; Poland; Slovakia; Bulgaria; France; Serbia; Kyrgyzstan; Cote D'Ivoire; Bhutan; Romania; Niger; Sri Lanka; Philippines; Rwanda; Uzbekistan; Switzerland; Spain; Cuba; Burkina Faso; Mauritania; Norway; Swaziland; Congo (the Democratic Republic of the); Mexico; Uganda; Zimbabwe; Australia; Greenland; Tajikistan; Indonesia
Gentle care, not suitable for jewelry