Moldavite is a silica-rich tektite. Tektites are a natural form of glass created as a result of a meteorite impact with the earth. Moldavite was discovered in the late 1700’s, near the Moldau River in what is now Czechia. The color of the stone is yellowish green to green, or brownish green and is due to aluminum and iron oxide impurities.
General Information
LWUV: Inert
Moldavite Colors
Alternate Names
Bouteille Stone
Countries of Origin
Unknown; Czechia
The site of the meteorite impact that formed moldavite is believed to be the Ries crater in Bavaria, Germany, which is approximately 14.6 million years old.
Normal, gentle care

More About Moldavite
Many people believe that moldavite is a stone of connectivity, joining the earth and the universe. Others think its mere presence can be life-altering. Historically, it is believed to be an amulet of good fortune, romantic harmony, and fertility, although many other powers are attributed to it. There's no scientific substantiation for the folkloric claims that ascribe powers to moldavite. What do we believe? We believe its lovely green color has the power to please.