Chrome diopside is a vibrant green variety of diopside that is colored by chromium, and to a lesser extent iron. Clean, bright stones above 2 carats are rare. The only known commercial deposit of gem quality chrome diopside is in the Republic of Sakha in Siberia, Russia. Yakutsk, the capital city, has the coldest winter temperatures for any major city on earth. Mining can only take place during the summer months due to the extreme winter conditions in Siberia.
General Information
LWUV: Green
Chrome Diopside Colors
Countries of Origin
Tanzania, United Republic Of; Myanmar; Russian Federation; Angola; United States of America; Madagascar; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Portugal; Oman; Solomon Islands; Greece; Austria; Mongolia; Mozambique; Pakistan; Morocco; Unknown; China; Brazil; Poland; Slovakia; France; Lesotho; Argentina; Romania; Hungary; Japan; Kenya; Switzerland; Taiwan (Province of China); India; Spain; New Zealand; Canada; Mauritania; Norway; Botswana; Namibia; Congo (the Democratic Republic of the); Finland; Italy; Mexico; South Africa; Antarctica; Australia; Germany; Indonesia
Gem quality chrome diopside comes from the Inagli chrome diopside deposit which is located about 18.64 miles west of Aldan city, Yakutia, Russia. A.M. Korchagin started prospecting for gem material in the 1970’s. There are ten veins that contain chrome diopside but only one is economically viable. Gemstones began appearing in the market in the early 1980’s and became popular in the gemstone trade by the mid 2000’s.
Diopside is moderately soft, so be mindful of scratching. Avoid abrasives and solvents.

More About Chrome Diopside
Although chrome diopside wasn't a common gemstone before the 1980s, it wasn't unheard of. Some people believed that it fell from the Tree of Life. Others believed this stone led to the practice of burying loved ones with a chrome diopside, to make certain that they had an opportunity to move on to a new cycle of life. Still other folklore suggests that the stone brings tranquility and peace. For that reason, some cultures recommend that a chrome diopside be affixed to the forehead at night in the belief that it would bring sweet dreams. Some say that the green of this stone connects one directly to the earth and helps make a direct connection to earth's energy.