What is Diamond?
Diamond, the birthstone for April, is elegant while commanding attention. They are among the most well known and coveted gemstones around the world. Diamond is a gem mineral that is mainly used for industrial purposes, but most people are going to wear diamonds as jewelry. This gemstone is nothing short of perfection that does not need an introduction. If you are an April baby, you belong to an extensive group of individuals who have a rare, exotic, and beautiful birthstone that deserves the title "King of Gemstones."
Diamond FAQ
Here are answers to more frequently asked questions about April's birthstone:
What Color is the Diamond Birthstone?
This is not a drill! Diamonds come in nearly every color of the rainbow. Even though diamonds are pure carbon, the various impurities, irradiation or structural irregularities cause different colors to appear. In recent years, colored diamonds have exploded in popularity. Orange and yellow diamonds are colored by nitrogen. Blue diamonds get their shades from boron. Red and pink diamonds aren't colored by elemental inclusions, but rather crystal lattice deformations. If pink isn't your color, black diamonds are colored by carbon or other dark mineral inclusions.

What is the spiritual meaning of April's birthstone?
Diamond, a symbol of love and unity, perfectly represents love, romance, trust and everlasting togetherness. Some believe that wearing diamond jewelry will bring out your inner king or queen by encouraging power and calmness.
Where are diamonds found?
The earliest significant source of diamonds was in India. The Golcunda mines produced diamonds that became world famous for their size and quality. Brazil surpassed India in diamond production by the 1720s and then came South Africa where diamonds were discovered in the 1860s.
How can you tell if a diamond is real?
There is an easy at home test you can do to determine if your diamond is real or fake! Follow the steps below to test if your diamond is real.
- Hold your diamond piece of jewelry between two fingers
- Breathe on it with a puff of air and a light fog will form on the diamond
If the fog disappears right away, then your diamond is real!

How are diamonds formed?
Diamonds were formed deep within the planet, about 90 to 120 miles below the surface, at temperatures and pressures difficult even to imagine. We would not have come into contact with this amazing birthstone if it weren't for volcanic pipes. These pathways, occurring over hundreds of millions of years, travel upward through points of weakness in the Earth's mantle in order to bring the diamonds to the surface.
Over millions of years, through different forms of weathering, the diamond-bearing material, called kimberlite or lamproite, was eroded and carried away. The transport of these materials formed alluvial, littoral and marine sources, or what geologists refer to as secondary deposits. Secondary deposits were the first to be worked by ancient cultures, and offered two very attractive features. The first was a concentration of easily accessible rough, providing a greater reward for the amount of labor involved. The second was finer clarity.
During the rigors of transport, most of the more heavily included material broke apart, leaving the cleaner, more durable pieces of rough as a testament to nature's handiwork. As a matter of fact, marine deposits (offshore) have some of the finest quality diamonds. That's due to millions of years of wave action, which has destroyed the weaker, less durable included stones.
Although there are thousands of kimberlitic and lamproitic pipes, only about 15 percent contain diamonds. Of that 15 percent, only about 5 to 6 percent are commercially viable. That breaks down to about two dozen working mines to provide the world's needs. Also consider that although a mine produces diamonds, that does not mean all the material is usable for the jewelry industry. Most of the world's diamond production (by volume) is suitable only for industrial purposes. An extremely small percentage of the world's diamond supply is clean, colorless to near-colorless goods.

Did you know... Naturally red, blue, purple and green diamonds are extremely rare and highly sought after by designers and collectors?
Diamond Gemstone Properties
For more facts and information about the characteristics of the April birthstone, check out the Diamond Gemopedia page.

Physical Properties of Diamond
Diamonds will stand the test of time with their perfect hardness rating of 10 on the Mohs Scale. With a rating like that, you know that wearing diamond jewelry will make your outfit a 10 out of 10. Not only do diamonds have the ideal hardness rating, but they also have excellent durability. Durable and elegant, diamond jewelry is the perfect accessory to express yourself.
Healing Properties and Benefits of Diamond
Bring wholeness to your life with the pure white coloring of diamonds. Bringing love and clarity into relationships, it is a sign of commitment and fidelity. Imparting fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude, diamonds clear emotional and mental pain, reduce fear and stimulate creativity.
Colors of Diamond
Diamond doesn't have to be just colorless- it comes in every color of the rainbow.

- Yellow
- White
- Red
- Purple
- Gray
- Black
- Blue
- Brown
- Colorless
- Green
- Orange
- Pink

Did you know... The Cullinan diamond is the largest rough diamond - weighing in at 3,103 carats?
Diamond Birthstone Jewelry and Gifts

Diamond April Birthstone Jewelry Buyers' Guide
Whether it's for a special occasion or just because, diamond jewelry is the perfect way to treat yourself or someone you love. Diamond jewelry commands attention on matter what, but if you really want your jewelry to stand out then wear darker clothing. A simple pair of diamond studs are the ideal touch of sophistication. Bling up an outfit with a statement necklace that can't be missed.

Did you know... The Hope diamond, the world's most legendary gem, is said to be cursed?
April Birthstone Alternatives
If a diamond is not your style, white zircon, white sapphire and rock crystal quartz are all alternative birthstones for the month of April. Zircon is a natural gemstone that offers excellent fire and brilliance for a beautiful price. White sapphire is a highly prized gemstone that will always be in style.